1. H803TC can work with PC(online mode), SD card(offline mode) or DMX console.
2. H803TC drives maximum 170000 pixels, 2 ports control maximum 255 slave controllers.
3. Slave controllers include H802RA and H801RC.
4. H803TC transmits data based on Ethernet Protocol.
5. SD card supports FAT32, FAT16 format, maximum capacity is 64G bytes, stores up to 64 DAT files.
6. Use four buttons or PC to switch files, set play mode,speed and brightness.
Supported Driver Chips:
LPD6803, LPD8806, LPD6812, LPD6813, LPD1882, LPD1889, LPD1883, LPD1886, DMX512, HDMX, APA102, P9813, LD1510, LD1512, LD1530, LD1532, UCS6909, UCS6912, UCS1903, UCS1909, UCS1912, WS2801, WS2803, WS2811, WS2812, DZ2809, SM16716, TLS3001, TLS3002, TM1812, TM1809, TM1804, TM1803, TM1914, TM1926, TM1829, TM1906, INK1003, BS0825, BS0815, BS0901, LY6620, DM412, DM413, DM114, DM115, DM13C, DM134, DM135, DM136, 74HC595, 6B595, MBI6023, MBI6024, MBI5001, MBI5168, MBI5016, MBI5026, MBI5027, TB62726, TB62706, ST2221A, ST2221C, XLT5026, ZQL9712, ZQL9712HV, etc.
Other controllers:
Mater controller: H801TC/H803TC/H803TV
Sub-controller: H801RC/H802RA/H803SA/H813SA/H807SA
Other controllers:
Mater controller: H801TC/H803TC/H803TV
Sub-controller: H801RC/H802RA/H803SA/H813SA/H807SA